1. Stay at home: Go out only for health reasons, if you have to work or to buy food.
3. Wash your hands: Do it immediately after you get back home.
2. Watch your distance: Practice social distancing and stay always two metres away from other people.
Do you remember? For many students this meant; no job, no access to the library and no idea how to proceed or what is going to happen next. This was happening to thousands of students in Europe during the pandemic days, but also all over the world.
As a result of the Corona crisis, many student representatives reported about students existential and practical needs. The library was closed. Only some of them were just able to secure some books for their studies.
But will that be enough to keep your studies going?
Another problem was that they couldn’t travel to their families as they had been in quarantine for weeks. But there were also good news during that time. Many education authorities continued to pay for the studies and for the training aid, even if the universities remain closed. If final exams failed, the standard period of study was extended accordingly.
“At the moment studying its less fun” We heard students saying. Especially from those that were doing little jobs to survive or for extra money.
Whether online or offline – in the crisis there were also new, additional opportunities for students. Some could find a new job helping to organize food supply. Many restaurants were offering meal delivery service after customers remain at home. Other helped organizations that were supporting and caring for the elderly at home. After this experience, many students are now working for home office.
Corona also offered flexible students opportunities for new jobs. The student organizations reported an exceptionally large number of jobs for students with private individuals: babysitters, private tuition or everyday help for people who coul not leave their homes. All these jobs were very important and were sought everywhere in times of the virus.
However, if a country stands still for weeks or even months, the negative consequences for the studies and job are likely to outweigh them.
What else can we learn to spent this time in a meaningful way?
A good option is to learn something new online that you can use later for your studies or your professional development. Online learning platforms could be a great alternative.
If coronavirus or another sort of crisis is affecting your education or work, simply try other ways. One possibility could be to explore online courses and continue studying, build professional skills, and connect with experts. Remember that you can do all of this things in an easy way. Sikhna.eu is an online learning platform about Europe.
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