Living a healthy lifestyle is not only spending hours of training at the gym or eating salad leaves and fruits only. It´s more about to make small healthy changes every day in your daily life.
Everyone wishes to stay healthy and fit as long as possible. A conscious lifestyle increases your chances of staying fit into old age. Some decisions related to nutrition, exercise, relaxation and sleep, abstinence from indulgence and a positive attitude towards life could make you feel better.
Here are 7 interesting tips on what you can do to live healthier and increase your well-being.
1. Develop good habits
Hardly anything is more important for the maintenance of health than a healthy diet. A healthy diet can be very different considering your circumstances, but in general, it is about more vegetables, fruits and dairy products, more cereal products, plenty of legumes, less meat and fat use salt and sugar sparingly.
Brain jogging is a healthy habit. The brain can be trained like a muscle, to stay mentally fit; the gray cells need daily exercise. Keep your brain moving. Avoid cigarettes. Smoking is a serious harm for your health and can increase lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Although alcohol may have a positive effect on health, a moderate consumption of is advisable if you are thinking about a healthy life.
2. Drink enough
Water shortage harms the human organism: Since water is not only an important part of the body’s cells but also the main constituent of the blood, the blood can no longer flow properly if we drink too little. The brain power and ability to concentrate diminish. Suitable thirst quencher are water, fruit spritzer or herbal tea.
3. Move regularly
Regular endurance sport is good for body and soul. Sport helps to strengthen the body’s defenses, reduce stress symptoms and prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis. Even brain performance in old age is positively influenced if you move regularly.
Any kind of physical exercise contributes to your well-being: the minimum to prevent illness is five to seven times a week for half an hour of light exercise.
4. Lots of fresh air and light
Oxygen awakens the spirits and mobilizes the immune system. Therefore, – even in winter – go out into the fresh air every day. Light is important for the production of vitamin D – indispensable for strong bones. Another positive effect when we are outside: We get more light, which also improves our mood. In daylight, in fact, the neurotransmitter serotonin is released, which brightens the mood.
5. Sleep enough and regularly
Sleep is a basic need that we need to satisfy just as regularly as eating and drinking. It is an indispensable basis of life and the prerequisite for development, well-being and health.
Recent studies show that people who regularly sleep too little have a much higher risk of having a heart attack. The amount of sleep you need can depend on age and lifestyle.
6. More relaxation and better inner balance
Stress and mental tensions could be affecting our resistance. Disturbances in the balance of tension and relaxation can lead to serious mental and physical illnesses. If you are going through difficult times make sure that you get enough time to rest and disconnect.
Relaxation techniques, yoga or many others can help you to regain balance and serenity.
7. Healthy relationships
Whether you like it or, not everyone is involved in a network of relationships. The success of interpersonal relationships is an important factor in quality of life, mental and physical health. Living and fulfilling relationships – these begin with a healthy relationship to oneself and to life. People with a positive attitude to life usually have better mental coping strategies. They expose themselves less to stress situations and thus spare their defenses.
Being positively tuned will help you to gain sovereignty and serenity.
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